ArtsBusXpress believes field trip study complements and brings life lessons learned in the classroom to life.
Teachers Agree.
320 teachers applied for ABX bus transportation funding during 2023/24.
ABX funded bus transportation for 114 teachers representing over 8,000 students this school year. Buses took classes all over the county, from Birch Aquarium, to the Organ Pavilion, to San Diego Safari Park, to Fleet Science Center, to Cygnet Theatre and more.
But 106 teachers representing 7,490 students remain on our Waiting List at the end of the 2024 school year.
Why? Buses are expensive. One bus may cost $230 to $1,200 depending on the carrier. This translates to $15 to $20 per student each trip taken.
Did you know that school field trips frequently serve as the first time a student visits a museum, a play, or sees the ocean?
Join ABX in helping teachers bring education to life by connecting students to the power of seeing, doing and learning. Please, send a tax-deductible gift now.
Students explore a kelp garden at Birch Aquarium.
If you believe an education rich in a deep and varied curriculum broadens horizons, sparks creativity and curiosity and opens opportunities, please join our family of dedicated donors. Thank you!