Fun and Learning at Oma’s Family Farm
What young person doesn’t love a farm?
This year, ABX funded buses to help over 200 kids experience all that farming has to offer when they visited Oma's Family Farm. Located in Lakeside, this farm has been family-run since 1960. It’s just one of 100 plus field trip venue partners that we list on the ABX website.
About Oma’s Family Farm
Oma's Family Farm is not just a farm, but a living classroom where students explore, discover, and grow. From planting seeds and harvesting crops, to caring for animals and composting waste, students participate in every aspect of farm life, fostering a deeper understanding of where food comes from and the importance of supporting local agriculture.
Students explore organic vegetable gardens and fruit orchards and learn the importance of environmental stewardship and responsible farming practices. The farm also offers guided nature walks and wildlife spotting tours that enables kids to connect with the natural world and appreciate the beauty of San Diego's rural landscapes.
What the teachers said:
Getting buses … to Oma's provided us with a trip early in the year that we would not otherwise have had the time to fundraise for beforehand. We were able to take our classes off campus for their first trip ever since they were in Kindergarten. Our students were so excited to go somewhere together and to learn about the pumpkin life cycle in real life, which we have been learning about in class, and make memories with friends.”
One hundred TK students visit Oma's Family Farm
Parents – are you looking for new places to explore?
Check out the ABX Places to Go list.
Yes, ABX provides a detailed listing of field trip destinations for teachers looking to complement classroom learning, but it is also a resource for anyone living in San Diego County looking for new and exciting experiences in the region.
We encourage you to visit this page and find your next adventure!
ABX connected over 8,000 students to field trips during the last school year, but over 7,000 remained on the waiting list. Please help us say no to waiting lists this upcoming school year by donating today.